Animated Story

Me and my partner, Justin Pham, worked together to put together our final project. This project was meant to demonstrate all that we learned in ICS 111. We made this animation, which tells of three individuals who leave their dying planet in search of a new one. Utilizing Java and EZ Graphics, a class developed by a former student, we created this object oriented animation. Justin worked on the Actor class, which was the base code for scripting. I worked on writing the scripts and the animation portion.

This was my first time working on a programming project with another person. My only prior experience was when I was in robotics and programmed robots, but this was very different. I learned how to better manage my time and plan ahead, as Justin and I could not always find mutual available times to meet. I also learned the importance of communicating and collaborating, because working together can lead to better, stronger ideas.

You can view my repository here.